Tzniut… a topic for discussion of NOT?

Tzniut… a topic for discussion of NOT?

No but seriously…

I know that growing up in an Orthodox community their is sometimes pressure to dress modestly because of our surroundings and we begin to focus more on our physical surroundings instead of using it as a tool to bring us closer to HASHEM!

Nothing in the Torah is BLACK & WHITE …

There’s room for a lot of gray space in this world because we still do not live in the times of Mashiach! If things are hard for you! THATS OK… you have every right to struggle and or not feel as connected to a certain mitzvah…

If you are not ready for it! DONT DO IT! Take baby steps… Ask Your Questions? Try to understand why… not out of a defensive agenda but because if you understand why… it may enhance your intention (kavana) when keeping this mitzvah!

I must say that I struggled with Tzniut as a youngster and I still have my moments! I’m not as strict on myself and don’t try to discipline myself into the “right guidelines” because sometimes it feels like I’m not doing it for the purest intention.

I do agree though, to always try to focus on maintaining a certain level of self-respect and dignity! We are HaShems Daughters and He loves us! He wants to see us love and accept ourselves in every form. Our bodies are the beautiful tool HaShem gave us to live this beautiful physical life and elevate the mundane with spirituality…


So when you feel ready… explore the spiritual aspect of tzniut and if you ever feel that you took things on too fast and or feel pressured… DONT FEEL GUILTY! HaShem is proud of you that you are making the effort to come close to Him!



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