Who we are?
Jlabel is community. It’s a place where conscious thought, creativity, comedy, and collaborations all come together to co-create with HaShem in His world!
The company started of with the intention of spreading awareness about Jewish labels and how they can benefit and also be detrimental to our society!
Over time I realized that their is so much beauty in our Jewish identity regardless of the label we give ourselves! One can only be confined by a label if they give it the power to take over.
I began to explore my Jewish identity on a deeper level by partaking in conscious living. Self-introspection, creative avenues like art, and connecting with other Jews who want to make a real difference in this world.
What we are doing?
Jlabel evolved to be all things Jewish! Deep Jewish thought and controversy, Jewish Art, Jewish events, Jewish company are coming together as one to bring out geula (salvation) closer and closer every day!
Though we are all working for the geulat olami , the worldwide salvation, their is still the possibility to live in the consciousness of having a geulat pratit, a personal salvation, on a daily basis.
I have made it my mission in life to help people connect to that deeper understanding and consciousness and truly gain a true sense of a personal salvation…
I attempt to do this by engaging myself in sharing deep thoughts, religious outlets for tzniut and hair covering, kosher travel tips, connecting to one’s self through art, and crating community events to bring Am Yisrael closer together than ever before…